Opponents in FIFA world cup 2018 united through Prayer

Russia Soccer WCup Belgium Panama
Millions of FIFA fans witnessed a rare scene on Monday June 18, 2018 at FIFA world cup Russia when two players from opponent teams united to pray in the field.

Belgium Player Romelu Lukaku, a roman catholic and one of the biggest star in soccer world joined in prayer with Panama player Fidel Escobar, an evangelical Christian, knelt on the field after the match between these two countries. Belgium won 3-0.

Romelu Lukaku and Fidel Escobar
A screenshot of these two christians in prayer was widely circulated in the news. Lukaku is one of the star player for Manchester United English Premier League. He contributed 2 goals to his team and helped to taste the victory on Monday. He testified his faith, using his Instagram account to talk about it.

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