Whatever May Come – Jeremy Camp English Christian Lyrics

Whatever May Come - Jeremy Camp, Adrienne Camp English Christian LyricsWhatever May Come is the latest Christian song released by American Christian artist, Jeremy Camp, Adrienne Camp. This song video was released on September 04, 2020 under the label Sparrow Records.

Please listen to the song, worship the Lord with spirit and in Truth and be blessed.

Song : Whatever May Come
Release Date: September 04, 2020
Artist: Jeremy Camp, Adrienne Camp
Label: Sparrow Records


Whatever I face
Whatever the fear
Whatever the cost
You always draw near

Whatever the pain
Whatever may come
Whatever may fall
Your love overcomes

Your love overcomes

I will call
I will call upon You
Whatever I face
You are with me

I will fall
I will fall on my knees
For every heartbreak
You will hold me

You will hold me

Whatever I face
Whatever the fear
Whatever the cost
You always draw near

Whatever the pain
Whatever may come
Whatever may fall
Your love overcomes

Your love overcomes

I will call
I will call upon You
Whatever I face
You are with me

I will fall
I will fall on my knees
For every heartbreak
You will hold me

You will hold me

Every wall will break
All the darkness shake
All the joy will be renewed

So Every knee let’s bow
Raise a victory shout
For the King will make things new

Every mountain move
Every lie be loose
For Your banner we’re lifting high

For neither depth nor height
Nor any life
Could ever cast Your love aside

Every wall will break
All the darkness shake
All the joy will be renewed

So Every knee let’s bow
Raise a victory shout
For the King will make things new

I will call
I will call upon You
Whatever I face

I will call
I will call upon You
Whatever I face
You are with me

I will fall
I will fall on my knees
For every heartbreak
You will hold me

Whatever I face
Whatever the fear
Whatever the cost
You always draw near

Whatever the pain
Whatever may come
Whatever may fall
Your love overcomes

Your love overcomes

Whatever may fall
Your love overcomes

Whatever may come
You will hold me

Written by Admin

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