Thy Kingdom Come – Rita Springer English Christian Lyrics

Thy Kingdom Come - Rita Springer English Christian LyricsThy Kingdom Come is the latest Christian song released by American Christian musician Rita Springer, who primarily plays a style of contemporary worship music and Christian pop music featuring Francesca Battistelli. This song was released on October 29, 2020 through the label Rita Springer.

Please listen to the song, worship the Lord with spirit and in Truth and be blessed.

Song : Thy Kingdom Come
Release Date: October 29, 2020
Artist: Rita Springer featuring Francesca Battistelli
Lyrics: Rita Springer, Mia Fields, Ben Cantelon
Label: Rita Springer


Verse 1:
I can feel the shifting in the heavens
I can feel a stirring in the wind
Even in the chaos, there’s a hunger
Once again

Verse 2:
And even in the silence, there’s a longing
A turning from ourselves and bowing down
Back to where faith was the foundation
Holy ground

Let Your presence rush in like a flood
Let Your will be done, Thy kingdom come
Fall upon this place again and fall on every heart
As it is with You,
Thy kingdom come

Verse 3:
Even in the silence, thеre’s a longing
A turning from ourselves and bowing down
Back to whеre faith was the foundation
Holy ground

Let there be a stirring
A humble returning
Let there be a turning
A humble returning to You
Let there be a stirring
A passion returning
A fire that’s burning
A passion returning to You
Let there be a stirring
A passion returning
A fire that’s burning
A passion returning to You

Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done
As it is with You

Written by Admin

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