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The Same Jesus – Let There Be Wonder – Matt Redman English Christian Lyrics

The Same Jesus - Let There Be Wonder - Matt Redman English Christian LyricsThe Same Jesus is the latest Christian English worship song from the album, Let There Be Wonder released by American Christian Worship leader, singer, song-writer, author, Matthew James Redman popularly known as Matt Redman. This song was released on January 28, 2020 through Integrity Worship Music.

This will be a 1th project for Matt Redman and first with Integrity Worship Music. Matt shares, “One theme that shone through so strongly on this record was the name and character and story of Jesus. I think there’s a need in our society and in church to absolutely name Him, to not just speak generically about who God is but to put a name on Him and to declare it and to say it – to sing the name of Jesus.”

Recorded in front of more than 1,000 people at Free Chapel in Orange County, California, “Let There Be Wonder encapsulates a lot of what has been in my heart when it comes to worship in these last few years,” he continues. “Worship songs will never be able to paint the full picture of God’s glory, but it’s so important that we aim high and give our best effort to conveying Him as fully as we can. When we do this, it’s much more honouring to God, and it’s much more helpful for us. My hope and prayer for this new record is that we’d find ourselves caught up in the life-giving worship of the true and living God. Let there be wonder!”

Please listen to the song, worship the Lord with spirit and in Truth and be blessed.

Song : The Same Jesus
Album : Let There Be Wonder
Release Date : January 28, 2020
Artist : Matt Redman
Location: Orange County, California
Label: Integrity Music

Click here for full album lyrics


This Jesus
Who carried our shame
This Jesus
Who rose from the grave
The same Jesus
We worship today, we worship today

He came to us
In grace and in truth
He’s still with us
And still on the move
The same Jesus
He is making us new,
He is making us new

I know that my Redeemer lives
I know that my Redeemer lives
He’s still keeping all His promises
The same Jesus
The same Jesus

He’s commanding
The wind and the waves
And His kingdom
Forever shall reign
And we know that
He is coming again,
He is coming again

O He’s the First and the Last
The Beginning and End
At the sound of His cry
All the world came alive
And He formed us from dust
Put His breath in our lungs
We were made for His love
But we ran from the light
But He wouldn’t give up
On His daughter and sons
So took up the cross
And He laid down His life
Then He did what He said
When He rose from the dead
And He’s coming back again

Written by Admin

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