Sitting at the Feet – Andrew & Robert English Christian Song Lyrics

Sitting at the Feet - Andrew & Robert English Christian Song LyricsSitting at the Feet of Jesus is the latest English Christian song written by J Lincoln Hall, sung by Luiza Spiridon & René Mihai, cello was played by Andrew Bora and guitar played by Robert Măimăscu. This song video was released on January 19, 2024 through Luiza Spiridon YouTube channel.

Please listen to the song, worship the Lord with spirit and in Truth and be blessed.

Song: Sitting at the Feet of Jesus
Release Date: January 19, 2024
Lyrics: J Lincoln Hall
Cello: Andrew Bora
Guitar: Robert Măimăscu
Vocals: Luiza Spiridon & René Mihai


Sitting at the feet of Jesus
Oh, what words I hear Him say!
Happy place, so near, so precious!
May it find me there each day
Sitting at the feet of Jesus
I would look upon the past
For His love has been so gracious
It has won my heart at last.

Sitting at the feet of Jesus
Where can mortals be more bless
There I lay my sins and sorrows
And when weary find sweet rest
Sitting at the feet of Jesus
There I love to weep and pray
While I from His fullness gather
Grace and comfort every day.

Bless me, O my Savior, bless me
As I sit low at Thy feet
Oh, look down in love upon me
Let me see Thy face so sweet
Give me, Lord, the mind of Jesus
Make me holy as He is
May I prove I’ve been with Jesus
Who is all my righteousness
He is all my righteousness

Written by Admin

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