Show Me Your Glory – Brandon Lake ft. Leeland English Christian Lyrics

Show Me Your Glory - Brandon Lake ft. Leeland English Christian LyricsShow Me Your Glory is the latest Christian English worship song from the album, House of Miracles by American Christian Artist, singer, song-writer with Bethel Music, Brandon Lake featuring Leeland Mooring. This Live recorded song is released on May 25, 2020 and album will release on January 30, 2021 through Bethel Music.

For Brandon Lake, “House of Miracles (Live)” is much more than an album, it’s the prayer of his life. His prayer is that every home in the world would become a house of miracles. Every heart is a hosting place of the Spirit of God, intricately designed to experience miracles. The songs were written to be conduits of hope for every person who listens. Compiled of some of the best songs from the studio album as well as some new ones, the live album also features many special guests.

Brandon Lake is a songwriter and worship leader with the Bethel Music Collective and a worship pastor at Seacoast Church in South Carolina. Brandon is known for his song “This Is A Move,” written with Tasha Cobbs — a song that won a 2019 GMA Dove Award for “Gospel Worship Recorded Song of the Year,” and was also nominated for a 2020 Grammy Award. Brandon Lake’s single “We Praise You” is featured on Bethel Music’s Revival In The Air album, co-written with Brian Johnson and Phil Wickham as a bold declaration that the power of praise changes everything.
Please listen to the song, worship the Lord with spirit and in Truth and be blessed.

Song : Show Me Your Glory
Album: House of Miracles
Release Date: January 30, 2021
Lyrics & Vocals : Brandon Lake and Leeland Mooring
Label : Bethel Music


Here I am, here you are
I give all of me for all of You
I don’t want to move or leave
Unless You, unless You go with me

One thing I ask, one thing I seek
Show me Your glory
You’re all I want, You’re all I need
Show me Your glory

You are good, good to me
With every step, I’ll let Your spirit lead
Valleys low or on mountain peaks
I’ll follow You, ‘cause I know You never leave

How deep, how wide
Show me Your glory
My heart and flesh cry
Show me Your glory

You’re all I want, You’re all I need
You’re all I seek, my everything

Written by Admin

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