See The Light – Hillsong Worship English Christian Lyrics

See The Light - Hillsong Worship English Christian LyricsSee The Light is the latest Christian English worship song released by renowned Australian Christian Worship band, Hillsong Worship. This song was released on February 11, 2020 through Hillsong Music.

This song was written by Ben Fielding, Reuben Morgan from scripture reference, Galatians 2:20; 1 Chronicles 16:23-29.

Please listen to the song, worship the Lord with spirit and in Truth and be blessed.

Song : See The Light
Release Date : February 11, 2020
Lyrics: Ben Fielding, Reuben Morgan
Artist : Hillsong Worship
Location: Australia
Label: Hillsong Music


Verse 1:
Arise my soul
Remember this
He took my sin
And He buried it

Chorus 1:
No longer I who live
Now Jesus lives in me
For I was dead in sin
But I woke up to see the light

Verse 2:
No I won’t boast
But in the cross
That saved my soul
All else is loss

Verse 3:
The grip of fear
Has no hold on me
So where O death
Where is your sting

Chorus 2:
No longer I who live
Now Jesus lives in me
For I was dead in sin
But I woke up to see the light

All, all of this for your glory
All, all of this for your glory
All, all of this for your glory
All, all of this for your glory
All, all of this for your glory
All, all of this for your glory

Written by Admin

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