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  • Samvuddhi Jeeva Maadhuryaalu – A B Masilamani Telugu Christian Lyrics

Samvuddhi Jeeva Maadhuryaalu – A B Masilamani Telugu Christian Lyrics

acharya a b masilamani christian lyricsSamvruddhi Jeeva Maadhuryaalu is the telugu christian worship album written and composed by the great man of God who served the LORD in different places of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, Abel Boanerges Masilamani popularly known as Rev. Acharya Dr. A B Masilamani.

Masilamani’s contribution is immense covering multifarious disciplines. He was a Pastor, Writer, Theologian, Teacher, Lyricist and a man who had a vision for the Church in undivided Andhra Pradesh. Masilamani is one of the proponents of Bhakti Theology in the line of the pioneers Chetty Bhanumurthy, Puroshottam Choudhary, Murari David and others. Incidentally, Masilamani was a pupil of the lyricist Chetty Bhanumurthy at the Baptist Theological Seminary at Kakinada from where he is said to have imbibed the element of Bhakti in his lyric compositions in the line of the Ramanujacharya, the great Indian Vaishnava Saint on whose life many Christian parallels can be found.

Please listen to the song, worship the Lord with spirit and in Truth and be blessed.

Album : Samvruddhi Jeeva Maaduryaalu
Lyrics & composition: Rev. Acharya Dr. A B Masilamani

  1. Karuna Rasa Bharita Yehova
  2. Jayahe Jayahe Jayahe Jayahe
  3. Devuni Vaarasulam
  4. Prabhu Yesuni Vadhanamulo
  5. Vaarthalalo Yesu Suvaartha
  6. Andaala Thaara
  7. Parimala Sumamulu
  8. Deva Vembadinchithi

For copies of these songs on CD, contact:
Dr. Mrs. A. B. Mariyamma Kishore,
151-3RT, Vijaya Nagar Colony,
Hyderabad -57, AP.
Ph # 040-23340252.
Mobile: +91 9848866454
Website: www.newlifeassociates.in

Written by Admin

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