Risen For Me – Angie Killian English Christian Lyrics

Risen For Me - Angie Killian English Christian LyricsRisen For Me is the latest Christian English Worship song written by Angie Killian, music by Angie Killian & Monica Scott. This song was released on January 06, 2024 through Angie Killian Music YouTube channel.

Angie Killian, a Utah native, is a Christian songwriter, published author, and public speaker with a passion for sharing the light and love of Jesus Christ. Her songs have been viewed over 4 million times on YouTube and have been shared and performed by people across the globe. Angie doesn’t have a fancy music degree, but she believes that she is proof of what Heavenly Father can do with his children when they allow themselves to become instruments in his masterful hands.

Please listen to the song, worship the Lord with spirit and in Truth and be blessed.

Song : Risen For Me
Release Date: January 06, 2024
Lyrics: Angie Killian
Music: Angie Killian & Monica Scott


Between the pages & passages we read
Is a Savior who’s much more than a story
He lives to offer hope and healing to the broken
He changes lives and won’t give up on me

My name is on his hands
His name is in my heart

I am living proof
Of what His love can do
With every step and every breath
I want to live His truth

I will speak His name
Oh, I am not ashamed
To shine His light and testify
I’ll never walk away

I am living proof
I am living proof

To the fallen, the lost, and the forgotten
My Jesus, His arms are open wide
He’s calling me to take His yoke
and leave my burdens
I’m gonna lay ‘em down
And let Him lead my life

My name is on his hands
His name is in my heart

I am living proof
Of what His love can do
With every step and every breath
I want to live His truth

I will speak His name
Oh, I am not ashamed
To shine His light and testify
I’ll never walk away

I am living proof

I will follow His example
I’m a disciple of Christ
I will follow His example
I’m a disciple of Christ

Written by Admin

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