Return to Me – Don Moen English Christian Lyrics

Return to Me - Don Moen English Christian LyricsReturn to Me is the latest Christian English worship song written, tuned, composed and sung by American Christian Artist, Worship leader, song writer, singer Don Moen. This song was released on June 11, 2021 through the label, Don Moen Records and DonMoenTv Youtube channel.

Don Moen belongs to USA but he travels all over the world for concerts and seminars. Few countries include Ghana, South Africa, Singapore, the Philippines, South Korea, Brazil, Canada, Australia, Great Britain, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, Guatemala, Honduras, and elsewhere. He is the President of Don Moen Productions in Nashville, Tennessee, where he lives with his wife Laura and five children.

Please listen to the song, worship the Lord with spirit and in Truth and be blessed.

Song : Return to Me
Release Date: June 11, 2021
Lyrics, Tune, Vocals: Don Moen
Label : Don Moen Records


Verse 1:
If My people who are called by My name
Will humble themselves and pray
Seek My face
Turn from their wicked ways
I will hear from Heaven
Forgive their sin and heal their land
If My people
Will humble themselves and pray

Return to Me
And I will return to you
You will be my people
And I will be your God
Return to Me
And I will return to you
I’ll give you a heart to know Me
And I will be your God
If My people
Will humble themselves and pray

Verse 2:
As Your people
We have turned and walked away
From the truth
From the light
From the way
We confess we have failed
We humble our hearts today
Will You hear from Heaven
Forgive our sin and heal our land
As Your people
We humble ourselves and pray


We cry out to You
We cry out to You

Lord have mercy
On Your people
We humble ourselves and pray
Turn from our wicked ways
Lord have mercy
On our nation
Forgive us of our sins
Revive our hearts again
We return to You (6X)

Return to Me
And I will return to you
You will be my people
And I will be your God
Return to Me
And I will return to you
I’ll give you a heart to know Me
And I will be your God
If My people
Will humble themselves and pray
If My people
Will humble themselves and pray
If My people
Will humble themselves and pray

We cry out to You
We cry out to You

Lord have mercy
On Your people
We humble ourselves and pray
Turn from our wicked ways
Lord have mercy
On our nation
Forgive us of our sins
Revive our hearts again
We return to You

Written by Admin

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