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Yeshu Ji – Ankur Masih Punjabi Christian Song Lyrics

Yeshu Ji - Ankur Masih Punjabi Christian Song LyricsYeshu Ji is the latest Christian Punjabi song written, sung and music composed by Christian Singer, worship leader, Gospel singer, music producer, song-writer, Ankur Masih. This song was released on November 01, 2020 through Ankur Masih YouTube channel.

Ankur Masih is a Indian Christian Singer and Worshipper and Composer of very popular Christian songs. His Vision is to fill this world with Love Peace and Kindness through Songs and Music.

Please listen to the song, worship the Lord with spirit and in Truth and be blessed.

Song : Yeshu Ji Yeshu Ji
Release Date: November 01, 2020
Lyrics, Tune, Vocals & Music : Ankur Masih


Tere nal chaldey ne saah mere yeshu ji
Tu he bas iko hai khuda
Tu he meri jind jaan , tere te mera imaan
Tere bina hojangey fanaah

Yeshu Ji Yeshu Ji mera rub Yeshu ji
Yeshu Ji Yeshu Ji mera mahi Yeshu ji
Yeshu Ji Yeshu Ji mera rub Yeshu ji
Yeshu Ji Yeshu Ji mera raja Yeshu ji

Dunia ta girdey nu hor niwan kardi
La ke aag dujey ghar ap hath seekdi
Yeshu jeehdi fad da bahn,
kad lainda daldal cho bahar
Rajiya de wangun rakhda,
wachan ohda eh kehnda hai
nal sada oh rehnda hai hatha wich rakhda sada

Ik din Yeshu mera badlan te awega
Apniyan lokaan nu naal laike jawagey
Nal ohde asi wasangey,
swargaan de wich hasangey,
duniya di chad parwah Soney diyan sadkaan utey,
narey asi lawangey Yeshu masih ki jay

My heart beats with You, oh Lord Jesus Christ
You are my one and only God
You are my life, my trust is in You Lord
I will vanish without You

Jesus, Jesus, my Lord Jesus
Jesus, Jesus, my beloved Jesus
Jesus, Jesus, my Lord Jesus
Jesus, Jesus, my king Jesus

When someone falls, world laughs at it
brings dispute in family and enjoys it
but when Jesus holds your arm,
he brings you out from mud bog
and makes you live like kings
His word promises us that he will always stay with us forever
he will keep us in his hands

One day my Jesus will come on clouds
he will take his people with him in heaven
we will live with him, we will smile and be happy with him
leaving all worries behind
we will walk on the streets of gold
and we will shout the praises of God
praises be to Lord Jesus Christ

Written by Admin

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