New Thing Coming – Elevation Worship English Christian Song Lyrics

New Thing Coming - Elevation Worship English Christian Song LyricsNew Thing Coming is the latest English Christian song released by Elevation Worship written by Steven Furtick, Dominique Jones, Joshua Holiday and sung by Steven Furtick & Tiffany Hudson. This song video was released on July 13, 2024 through Elevation Worship YouTube channel.

Please listen to the song, worship the Lord with spirit and in Truth and be blessed.

Song: New Thing Coming
Release Date: July 13, 2024
Lyrics: Steven Furtick, Dominique Jones, Joshua Holiday
Vocals: Steven Furtick & Tiffany Hudson


There is revival
Right here and now
There is a fresh wind
And I can hear the sound
Something truly wonderful
Is happening

There is a difference
Inside of me
More than a feeling
This is a prophecy
Something really powerful
Is happening

Darkness bow down to the day
Mountains get up out my way
Breaking out of yesterday
I got a new thing coming

Tell this giant in my face
You’re not greater than my faith
Best believe me when I say
I got a new thing coming
I got a new thing coming

There’s an anointing
To destroy the yoke
Tell every stronghold
You gotta let me go
Something really powerful
Is happening

There is a freedom
That I have never known
Out of the shadows
Into the overflow
Something really powerful
Is happening

I can see a cloud
Heavy with rain
And it looks like revival
Is headed our way

I can see a cloud
Heavy with rain
And it looks like salvation
Is headed our way

I can hear a sound
The abundance of rain
And it sounds like freedom
Is headed our way

I can hear a sound
The abundance of rain
And it sounds like provision
Is headed our way

I can see a cloud
Heavy with rain
And it looks like healing
Is headed our way

I can see a cloud
Heavy with rain
And it looks like joy
Is headed our way

It’s headed our way
It’s headed our way
It’s headed our way

I got that new mind
New heart
Fresh faith
I got that new wine
Now word
I got a new thing coming

Written by Admin

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