Never Walk Alone – Hillsong Worship English Christian Lyrics

Never Walk Alone - Hillsong Worship English Christian LyricsNever Walk Alone is the latest English Christian song from the album These Same Skies released by Australian Christian Worship music group Hillsong Worship written & music by Ben Fielding, Hannah Hobbs & Jenn Johnson. This song was released on October 08, 2021 through the label Hillsong Music.

Please listen to the song, worship the Lord with spirit and in Truth and be blessed.

Song : Never Walk Alone
Album : These Same Skies
Release Date: October 08, 2021
Artist: Hillsong Worship
Lyrics & Music: Ben Fielding, Hannah Hobbs & Jenn Johnson
Label: Hillsong Music


Your heart is for me
Your ear is listening
I’m safe in Your love
Your army of angels
Watch over me

You’re always present
You’re always with me
For all of my life
Your favour has followed
You’re my covering

I have never walked alone
I’ve never been abandoned
You are my inheritance
You are my strength and shield
And I have confidence
You go before me
You’re my deliverer
I know I never walk alone

You’re always faithful
You’re strong and able
I’m lifting my head
In You I find help
You’re my providence

Every hour
Every minute
You have always been there
You are faithful
And You always will be

In every triumph
Every failure
You are loyal to me
You are faithful
And You always will be

Written by Admin

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