Jesus Your Name – Matt Redman English Christian Lyrics

Jesus Your Name - Matt Redman English Christian LyricsJesus Your Name is the latest Christian English worship single written by Matt Redman, Jacob Sooter, Josh Silverberg & Lindsey Sweat, released by American Christian Worship leader, singer, song-writer, author, Matthew James Redman popularly known as Matt Redman. This video song was released on October 30, 2020 through Integrity Worship Music.

This will be a 1th project for Matt Redman and first with Integrity Worship Music. Matt shares, “One theme that shone through so strongly on this record was the name and character and story of Jesus. I think there’s a need in our society and in church to absolutely name Him, to not just speak generically about who God is but to put a name on Him and to declare it and to say it – to sing the name of Jesus.”

Recorded in front of more than 1,000 people at Free Chapel in Orange County, California, “Let There Be Wonder encapsulates a lot of what has been in my heart when it comes to worship in these last few years,” he continues. “Worship songs will never be able to paint the full picture of God’s glory, but it’s so important that we aim high and give our best effort to conveying Him as fully as we can. When we do this, it’s much more honouring to God, and it’s much more helpful for us. My hope and prayer for this new record is that we’d find ourselves caught up in the life-giving worship of the true and living God. Let there be wonder!”

Please listen to the song, worship the Lord with spirit and in Truth and be blessed.

Song : Jesus Your Name
Lyrics: Matt Redman, Jacob Sooter, Josh Silverberg & Lindsey Sweat
Song Release Date : October 30, 2020
Artist : Matt Redman
Location: Orange County, California
Label: Integrity Music


O Your name, is my first defense
And O Your name is my last amen
It carries me when I cannot stand
It reaches me when I reach the end

Jesus Your name, when the whole world shakes
Jesus Your name, I will ever praise
My battle cry every night and day
I’ll sing Your name over everything
I’ll sing Your name over everything

O Your name is my greatest strength
It fights for me and it won’t relent
I cast my cares
Every burden fall
For there’s one name that can bear them all

Jesus Your name, when the whole world shakes
Jesus Your name, I will ever praise
My battle cry every night and day
I’ll sing Your name over everything
I’ll sing Your name over everything

In every storm, You’re the Prince of Peace
The Lord of all, You are heaven’s King
I’ll sing Your name til my last breath here
Then I’ll sing again, with my first breath there

Jesus Your name, when the whole world shakes
Jesus Your name, I will ever praise
My battle cry every night and day
I’ll sing Your name over everything
I’ll sing Your name over everything
Jesus, I’ll sing Your name over everything
My God, I’ll sing Your name over everything

Written by Admin

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