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Home for Christmas – Ryan Stevenson English Christian Lyrics

Home for Christmas - Ryan Stevenson English Christian LyricsHome for Christmas is latest English Christmas song released by American Christian artist, Ryan Stevenson. This song was released on November 22, 2019 under Gotee Records.

Ryan Dale Stevenson (born January 21, 1979) is an American Christian musician and guitarist, who primarily plays a contemporary Christian music and worship style of music. His sponsor is Gotee Records, owned by Christian music artist TobyMac. At the age of 18, Ryan’s youth pastor gifted him a guitar and said, “I felt like the Lord was telling me to buy this for you” Ryan matured his musical gifts by playing at youth groups, summer camps and mission trips.

Ryan’s own music reflects the wealth of experience garnered from his time with these endeavors. He continued writing songs, leading worship, and performing in small venues, all while working as a front line paramedic. Wanting to honestly and vulnerably communicate through his recording and his live performance the grace and love that guides him through his own trials, Ryan Stevenson writes with a musical maturity beyond his years and a spiritual sensitivity that easily draws people into the musical message.

Please listen to the song, worship the Lord with spirit and in Truth and be blessed.

Song : Home for Christmas
Release Date: November 22, 2019
Artist: Ryan Stevenson
Label: Gotee Records


Late night, red-eyed Christmas Eve
Snowflakes, delays, hope we can leave
They’re plowing the runway
De-icing the plane
Time zones, rough roads, feeling the grind
Sore throat, hundred shows, time to unwind
Oh, I know it’s been a crazy season
But I just can’t wait to see ya

I’m coming home for Christmas day
Sorry that I’ve been so far away
But there is no time or distance
That can come in between us

Late night, fireside, just you and me
Old-time, black and white on the TV
We’re sharing a blanket
Kiddos are upstairs playing
Frontyard frosted, covered in snow
Thankful for the love in this home
Oh, I know it’s been a crazy season
But I just can’t wait to see ya

I’m coming home for Christmas day
Sorry that I’ve been so far away
But there is no time or distance
That can come in between us
I’m coming home for Christmas day
I know that I’ll be just a little late
I’m sorry that you had to wait
But, baby, I’m on my way
To make it home for Christmas day

Nothing will ever change
The reason, the reason we celebrate
No, nothing, nothing will ever change
The reason, the reason we celebrate

Written by Admin

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