Hold Me Fast (Psalm 139) – Aaron Shust English Christian Lyrics

Hold Me Fast (Psalm 139) - Aaron Shust English Christian LyricsHold Me Fast (Psalm 139) is the latest Christian English worship single released by American contemporary Christian music artist, Aaron Michael Shust popularly known as Aaron Shust. This song was released on September 06, 2023 through label, Shust Music & Aaron shust YouTube channel.

Please listen to the song, worship the Lord with spirit and in Truth and be blessed.

Song : Hold Me Fast (Psalm 139)
Release Date: September 06, 2023
Artist : Aaron Shust
Label: Shust Music
Location: Chicago, Illinois, USA


You search me and know me
You know when I sit and when I rise
Before a word is on my tongue
You know it completely

You’re familiar with my going up and lying down
All my ways
Where can I go from Your Spirit
Or flee from Your presence?

If I go to the heavens
You are there
If I make my bed in the depths of the sea
You are there
If I rise on the wings of the dawn
If I settle on distant shores
Even there Your hand will guide me
Even there Your right hand will hold me fast

Created and woven together In my mother’s womb
I’ll praise You for I’ve been made
Fearfully and wonderfully

How precious to me are Your thoughts
How vast the sum of them
If I were to count them
They’d number far more than the sand
How precious to me are Your thoughts
How vast the sum of them
Far too great for me to ever understand

So search me search me O God
And know my heart
Try me and know my thoughts
See if there be in me
Any wicked way
Then lead me down the road everlasting

Written by Admin

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