Daber El Libi Yeshua – Praises Of Israel Hebrew Christian Lyrics

Daber El Libi Yeshua - Praises Of Israel Hebrew Christian LyricsDaber El Libi Yeshua is the latest christian Messianic Hebrew worship song from the album, Praises of Israel written, tuned, composed and music composed by Irit Iffert. This live performance video song was released on February 20, 2020 under the label, Messianic Jewish Alliance of Israel (MJAI).

The name of the concert and CD is based on the verse “But You are holy, Enthroned in the praises of Israel. (Psalms 22:3). What a blessing to know that God, the Holy Creator of the universe, is enthroned on the praises of His people – He alone is worthy of all our worship!

The album in your hands is the blessed fruit of the labor of many skillful and faithful of the Lord’s people in the Land. Our hope and prayer that it will go to the ends of the earth and will bring glory and praise to our God and to our Lord Jesus Christ, and would be a great blessing to everyone who hears it.

Let everything that has breath praise the LORD, Hallelujah!

Song : Daber El Libi Yeshua
Album: Praises of Israel
Release Date: February 20, 2020
Lyrics, Tune & Music: Irit Iffert
Label: Messianic Jewish Alliance of Israel (MJAI)


דבר אל ליבי ישוע, מול פחד וסערה
גלי הספק שטפוני, החזק בי שלא אטבע
מילים משתיקות הסער, מילים מביאות תקוה
דבר אל ליבי ישוע, נטע בקרבי שלוה

דבר אל ליבי ישוע, אנוח בצל כנפך
מקלט לנפשי הנך, אמחה דמעותיי בך
מילים מרפאות הצער, מילים של חמלה וחום
דבר אל ליבי ישוע, הן בקרבתך שלום

דבר אל ליבי ישוע, את דבר אלוהים השמע
אמת מילתך השרש בי, עצב אותי לדמותך
מילים של גבורה וכוח, מילים של עידוד ועוז
דבר אל ליבי ישוע, דברך לי הוא צור מעוז

דבר אל ליבי ישוע בקול של דממה דקה
חקור נא ליבי עזרני ללמוד לציית לך
באהבתך לשמוח, ולחסד להיכנע
דבר אל ליבי ישוע, למדני ברוח קולך

Daber el libi Yeshua
mul pachad u’se’arah
Galei hasafek shatfuni
hachzek bi shelo etba
Milim mashtikot basa’ar,
milim mevi’ot tikvah
Daber el libi Yeshua
n’ta bekirbi shalvah

Daber el libi Yeshua
anu’ach betzel knafcha
miklat lenaafshi hinecha
emcheh dim’otai becha
milim merap’ot hatza’ar,
milim shel chemlah vachom
Daber el libi Yeshua
hen bekirvat’cha shalom

Daber el libi Yeshua
et dvar Elohim hashma
Emet milat’cha hashresh bi
milim shel gvurah vako’ach,
milim shel idud va’oz
Daber el libi Yeshua
dvarcha li hu tzur ma’oz

Daber el libi Yeshua
bekol shel dmama daka
chakor na libi azreni
lilmod letzayet lecha
Be’ahavat’cha lismo’ach
ul’chesed lehikana
Daber el libi Yeshua
lamdeni beroch kolcha

Speak to my heart Jesus
In the midst of fear and the storm
Waves of doubt have washed over me
Hold on to me lest I drown
Words that silence the gale
Words that bring hope
Speak to my heart Jesus
Plant serenity within me

Speak to my heart Jesus
I’ll find rest under Your wing
You are a shelter to my soul
In You I wipe away my tears
Words that heal sadness
Words of compassion and warmth
Speak to my heart Jesus
For in Your presence there is peace

Speak to my heart Jesus
Sound the word of God
Root within me the truth of Your word
Mold me in Your image
Words of might and power
Words of encouragement and strength
Speak to my heart Jesus
Your word to me is a rock and stronghold

Speak to my heart Jesus
In the sound of a still small voice
Search me and know my heart
Help me learn how to obey You
To rejoice in Your love
And surrender to grace
Speak to my heart Jesus
Teach me in the gentleness of Your voice

Written by Admin

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