Everything Can Wait – Deola Jewel English Christian Lyrics

Everything Can Wait - Deola Jewel English Christian LyricsEverything Can Wait is the latest English Christian song from the album Everything Can Wait released by Deola Jewel. This song was released on December 03, 2022 through Deola Jewel YouTube channel.

Please listen to the song, worship the Lord with spirit and in Truth and be blessed.

Song: Everything Can Wait
Release Date: December 03, 2022
Album: Everything Can Wait
Artist: Deola Jewel


Everything can wait
I’m speaking to my father
no matter what they are
yes, Everything must wait
In our secret place
in the momentum of worship
no matter what they are
yes, everything must wait…..

wait …wait … must wait….

Verse 1:
Distractions must go
limitations must bow
casting down imaginations in the name of Jesus
the veil is torn
and i enter in
casting down imaginations in the name of Jesus
waiting for you
rising in your name
mounting up with wings like eagles to the highest realm

Verse 2:
Atmosphere divine
the aura of grace
ambience so divine can’t describe this feeling
the feeling of joy
the feel of peace
ecstasy mixed with euphoria
so everything must wait

Somebody are you ready to say,
everything must wait in the name of Jesus
come on say
in the name of Jesus
come on say

Verse 3:
Everything can wait
I am in my father’s arms
focusing on Christ
in the momentum of worship
no matter what they say
everything must wait
Everything can wait
focusing on Christ
in the momentum of worship
here is my happy place,
yes, everything must wait

Written by Admin

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