Heart On Fire – Citipointe Worship English Christian Lyrics

Heart On Fire - Citipointe Worship English Christian LyricsHeart On Fire is the latest Christian song sung by Citipointe Worship featuring Jess Steer & Ofa Fakatoumafi and written by Aaron Lucas, Beau Lamshed and Colin Moore. Citipointe Worship (formerly known as Citipointe Live) is the prophetic sound and worship expression of Citipointe Church; with a desire to magnify Jesus and lead people into a deeper intimacy with Him. Citipointe Worship is a global movement that reflects the heart of Citipointe Church – to influence the world for good and for God in a remarkable way. Through their powerful and inspiring songs, they bring the reality of Heaven to Earth and liberate millions of people around the world.
This song video was released on November 04, 2023 through Citipointe Worship Youtube channel.

Please listen to the song, worship the Lord with spirit and in Truth and be blessed.

Song : Heart On Fire
Release Date: November 04, 2023
Artist: Citipointe Worship featuring Jess Steer & Ofa Fakatoumafi
Lyrics: Aaron Lucas, Beau Lamshed and Colin Moore


Light my heart on fire
Light my heart on fire

This I choose to follow You
With all my heart’s devotion
Living for the One
Who set this world in motion
For my King an offering
Of my heart’s affection
At Your feet I find
Hope rest redemption

Here I am with open hands a life in surrender
Have control so our hearts beat together
Perfect love has won my heart
And all that’s within me
It’s a joy to give all I am for my King

I lay my life down
I lay it all down for You
Jesus my Saviour
I lay it all down for You

Here in Your presence I am undone
Astonished by all Your goodness and love
Eyes on Your glory I am amazed
With every breath I will bring You praise

Written by Admin

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