Daya Beh Rahi Hai – Anil Kant Hindi Christian Lyrics

Daya Beh Rahi Hai - Anil Kant Hindi Christian LyricsDaya Beh Rahi Hai is the latest Hindi Christian song, written, tuned and music composed and sung by Anil Kant. This song was released on August 30, 2023 through Anil Kant Youtube Channel.

Daya Beh Rahi Hai” is a beautiful song by Pastor Anil Kant that vividly illustrates the concept of God’s grace flowing like a river into the lives of those who surrender themselves to the Lord. The song captures the transformative power of God’s love and the impact it has on believers, bringing healing, deliverance, and creating an atmosphere of worship.

The lyrics of the song metaphorically depict God’s mercy and grace as a flowing river that brings life and renewal to all who receive it. Just as a river provides sustenance and refreshment to the land it flows through, God’s grace nourishes and rejuvenates the lives of His followers. This imagery resonates with the idea that when we surrender ourselves to the Lord, we open ourselves to the abundance of His blessings.

A relevant Bible verse that aligns with the message of the song is John 7:38 (NIV):
“Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.”

Please listen to the song, worship the Lord with spirit and in Truth and be blessed.

Song: Daya Beh Rahi Hai
Release Date: August 30, 2023
Lyrics, Tune & Vocals : Anil Kant
Music: Anil Kant


इबादत की ऐसी फ़िज़ा लग रही है…
बदन मे मसीह की शिफा लग रही है…

रब की हुज़ूरी मे लगता है ऐसे…..
बाग-ऐ-अदन की हवा लग रही है…

दया बह रही है…
शिफा बह रही है…
बंधन टूट रहे है…..
कैदी छूट रहे है…

दया बह रही है…
शिफा बह रही है…

धन्यवाद… धन्यवाद…

वो मेरी कश्ती बचाने है आया…
पानी पे मुजको चलाने है आया…

करता हूँ मै आज शुक्र-ऐ-खुदावंद…..
मै मुर्दा था मुजको जिलाने है आया…
दया बह रही है…
शिफा बह रही है…

बंधन टूट गए है…..
कैदी छूट गए है…..
आनंद आ गया है…
खुशी आ गई है…

दया बह रही है…

Written by Admin

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