Darling Jesus – SON Music English Christian Lyrics

Darling Jesus - SON Music English Christian LyricsDarling Jesus is the latest English Christian song by S.O.N. Music featuring Neeja. This song was released on October 13, 2023 through Moses Bliss YouTube channel.

Please listen to the song, worship the Lord with spirit and in Truth and be blessed.

Song : Darling Jesus
Release Date: October 13, 2023
Artist: S.O.N. Music featuring Neeja


Darling Jesus, darling Jesus
Oh, my darling Jesus, You are wonderful Lord
I love you so much, darling Jesus
Oh, my darling Jesus, You are wonderful Lord

Darling Jesus, You no dey fail o
Oh, darling Jesus
You are always on my case
Na you dey give me joy
Dey give me peace, dey give my grace
So I thank you, my Jesus
Thank you, my Lord

Darling Jesus, darling Jesus
Oh, my darling Jesus, You are wonderful Lord
I love you so much, darling Jesus
Oh, my darling Jesus, You are wonderful Lord

You never leave me,
You never forsake me
I can count in you when everyone fails me
You know dey tire to shower me with blessings
So I love you, my Jesus o
Love you , my Lord

Written by Admin

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