Christmas To Me – Eagle Brook Music English Christian Lyrics

Christmas To Me - Eagle Brook Music English Christian LyricsChristmas To Me is the latest  English Christmas song composed by Eagle Brook Music, which is the worship ministry of Minnesota-based Eagle Brook Church. This song is from the album Christmas To Me. This song video was released on November 05, 2021 through Eagle Brook Music YouTube channel.

Please listen to the song, worship the Lord with spirit and in Truth and be blessed.

Song : Christmas To Me
Album: Christmas To Me
Artist: Eagle Brook Music
Release Date: November 05, 2021
Label : Absolute Label Services


Christmas to me
extended family get togethers
uncle Bob who doesn’t know better
and home alone 1 or 2?

Christmas to me
is the sound of present paper
the lights from all the neighbors
and sitting fireside

I don’t know what this holiday look like through your eyes
is it everything you hoped and dreamed ?
we all have a different reason for our feeling in this season
take it in, who you have
where you’re at and call it Christmas to me

Christmas to me
is sledding in the backyard
drinking cocoa with my brother
and cookies by the tree

Christmas to me
is missing mom and dad and grandma
big dinners and the egg nog
and hearing grandpa read

I don’t know what this holiday look like through your eyes
is it everything you hoped and dreamed ?
we all have a different reason for our feeling in this season
take it in, who you have
where you’re at and call it Christmas to me

Christmas to me
is candles lit up in the service
singing carols in the old church
like silent night again

Christmas to me
is Jesus laying in a manger
that baby was a game changer
for me, for you and all our families too

I don’t know what this holiday look like through your eyes
is it everything you hoped and dreamed ?
we all have a different reason for our feeling in this season
take it in, who you have
where you’re at and call it Christmas to me
call it Christmas to me

Written by Admin

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