Be Someone – The Church of Almighty God English Christian Lyrics

Be Someone - The Church of Almighty God English Christian LyricsBe Someone Who Satisfies God is the latest Christian English song sung by a group of people from The Church of Almighty God. he Church of Almighty God, also known as Eastern Lightning, is a monotheistic new religious movement which was established in China in 1991. This song was released on September 30, 2023 through the Youtube Channel The Church of Almighty God.

Please listen to the song, worship the Lord with spirit and in Truth and be blessed.

Song : Be Someone Who Satisfies God
Song Release Date: September 30, 2023
Artist: The Church of Almighty God


God knows that your devotion and sincerity
are both things that are only temporary,
that your aspirations and the price that you pay
are only in place for now and not for then.
The beautiful destination you wish to gain
you only want to make one final effort for.
Your one and only purpose is to make a trade,
not to avoid being indebted to the truth.
And it is not particularly to repay,
paying God back for the price that He has paid.
You wish to take what you want by strategy
and never to wage open battle for it.
Do not disguise yourselves nor rack your brains over your destination,
so much so that you are unable to eat or sleep.
Won’t your outcome have already been fixed?
If you can follow your conscience and give your all,
spare no effort for God’s work, devote a lifetime,
dedicating your efforts to His gospel work,
then won’t His heart often jump for joy for you all?
Then won’t His mind be wholly at ease over you?

Do your best with your duty with open hearts,
be willing to do whatever it may take.
For any who suffered or paid a price for Him,
when the day comes, God won’t mistreat a single one.
This kind of conviction is worth holding onto.
You should never forget it, and God will be at ease.
If you’re unable to achieve this,
God will never put His mind at ease,
and you’ll always and forever be the objects of His distaste.
If you can follow your conscience and give your all,
spare no effort for God’s work, devote a lifetime,
dedicating your efforts to His gospel work,
then won’t His heart often jump for joy for you all?
Then won’t His mind be wholly at ease over you?

Written by Admin

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