As the Sunrise – Kripal Mohan English Christian Lyrics

As the Sunrise - Kripal Mohan English Christian LyricsAs the Sunrise is one of the English popular worship song from the album, Na Pranama released by Telugu Christian singer, song-writer, worship leader, Bro Kripal Mohan.

Please listen to the song, worship the Lord with spirit and in Truth and be blessed.

Song: As the Sunrise
Album: Na Pranama
Artist: Kripal Mohan
Vocals: Kripal Mohan, Samson Baba
Location: Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh


As the Sunrise, like the stars shine
where the wind blows
every day and every night
so the love of God rises everyday
and the grace of his son shines in the dark
and the spirit of God searches us everyday
so we praise your name honor your grace
spirit and in truth we worship you
through the precious blood
we come to your throne

Written by Admin

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