My Life is Yours – Better Life Team Arabic Christian Lyrics

My Life is Yours - Better Life Team Arabic Christian LyricsMy Life is Yours is a famous Arabic Christian song released by Egypt based Arabic Christian Band, Better Life Team. This song was released on February 11, 2016.

A group of popular & anointed gospel singers Egypt form together as a band, Better Life Team and preaching the Word of God through singing in Arabic language. May God bless them abundantly.

If you are watching this song for the first time in your life, consider this as a life changing salvation call for YOU. Come and receive the saving Grace of Jesus Christ. Ask Jesus for forgiveness and reveal himself in your life. So, Please listen to the song, worship the Lord with spirit and in Truth and be blessed.

Song : My Life is Yours
Release Date: February 11, 2016
Artist: Better Life Team

EnglishMeaningTelugu Meaning

Dawart kteer-ala shei yes-edni
Hawelt alaai-haga teshbe’ni
wfdelt tayeh,fe al-donia hayem
Albi lessa atshaan

seme’t wahed, bynadini.
Aal:” taal,emsek beidi.
Ana arfak, d-Ana khalaak.
Ana hases beek

w gait ashanak ya habibi,
mott badalak ala al -salib,
Wahabtak hayah
W edetak nagah.
Kol znobak maghfoora laka.

w shoft eiydo mamdoda leya,
nawar tari’y.Ghayar hayaty.
Ana eli kont be-eid
Ezay makontesh shayf rabbi?
w kont aiyesh men ghero gambi?
Rakaat odamo ,w mesikt fe eiydo
sarakh-t baala soaat……..

Hayaty tebaa leek al-youm
Tesh- had aan Yasua w twool,Howa da al-Tareek,
w hoa al-Maleek.
Howa da Elah-i-al-abady

Taala w sallem hayatak odamo.
Da howa Elah-ak
W hases be halak.
Hayedeelak awowa, w yedeelak norsra
ala kol kh -atya.Matrannem maaya

Hayaty tebaa leek al-youm
Tesh- had aan Yasua w twool,Howa da al-Tareek,
w hoa al-Maleek.
Howa da Elah-i-al-abady

I searched alot to find something to make me happy
Tries to find some thing that could satisfy me
but i went lost, wandering in this world,
my heart was still empty and thirsty.

I heard some one calling my name
told me to hold his hand, I know you,
I created you, I felt your pain

I came for you o my beloved,
I died for you on the cross,
I gifted you this life
I gave you salvation
and all your sins are forgiven

And I saw his hands reaching out for me,
with healing touch he open my eyes,
he shed light on path and changed my life
I was gone too far away..

How, I couldn’t see my lord
how did I live without him, who stays beside me?
i knelt down before him, I hold his hand,
I cried out before him loud

Today, my life belongs to You, Lord
to bear witness to Jesus, to say… “He is the way!”
He is the king, He is my eternal God

Come and surrender your life to Jesus, He is your God
grant you victory, over every sin, come sing with me,

Today, my life belongs to you lord
to bear witness to Jesus, to say… “He is the way!”
He is the king, He is my eternal God.

Vethikaanu entho aanandam kosam,
thrupthi niche santhosham kosam
lokamlo nenu daari thappaanu
na yadhalo inka kaali mariyu dhaahame

Peru petti nannu pilichi
na cheyyi pattuko ani adigi
“Nee Srushtikartanu, ninnerugudhunu
nee baadha naaku telusu” anenu

priyamaina neekosam nenu vachi
siluvapai neekai maraninchi
jeevitham kaanukaga ichi
neeku rakshana nichaanu
nee paapamulanni kshamimpa badinavi

Thana karamulanu na vaipu chaapi
swasthaparichi, na kallu therichi
margamulo velugu nimpi, jeevitham maarchivesenu
entho dooram velli untini

Ela na prabhuvunu choodaleka poyaanu
prakkane unde aayana, lekunda ela brathukagalanu
aayana edhuta mokaallooni, cheyyi pattukoni
biggaraga edchaanu

Nedu na jeevitham needhe prabhu
neeke sakshiga untaanu Yesu
neeve maargamu, neeve raajuvu
neeve nirantharamu devudani prakatisthaanu

Nee jeevitham kuda prabhuvuku arpinchu
aayane nee devudu, nee sthithini erigina vaadu
balamunichi prathi paapamu paina jayamichu vaadu
natho kalisi paadu

Nedu na jeevitham needhe prabhu
neeke sakshiga untaanu Yesu
neeve maargamu, neeve raajuvu
neeve nirantharamu devudani prakatisthaanu

Written by Admin


  • best song


    its the first time in my life i listened to an Arabic Christian song just by chance just three days back and wow i love it so much that i listen to it almost ten times a day, i can follow it by the subtitles given below, its become my favorite, praise to all the singers,musicians the whole better Life Team, very commendable, exceptional song, well I’ve become a fan of yours–God bless you guys



  • Ravena Ramlakhan on

    I love this song…..i would like to be able to copy these lyrics and sing along.

  • Now im trying to sing this song with my guitar for Christmas 2022 ❤️

  • Can you help me to get.the guitar chords for the arabic christian songs please thanks


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