All Because of Him – Shawna Edwards English Christian Lyrics

All Because of Him - Shawna Edwards English Christian LyricsAll Because of Him is the latest English Christmas song written by Shawna Edwards & Linda Urquhart and sung by Jane, Alivia, Sadie, Sydney, Andee, Peter Neff, Abby Urton, Linda Urquhart, Kayli Checketts and Trevor Smith. This song video was released on December 04, 2022 through Shawna Edwards YouTube channel.

Please listen to the song, worship the Lord with spirit and in Truth and be blessed.

Song: All Because of Him
Release Date: December 04, 2022
Lyrics: Shawna Edwards & Linda Urquhart
Vocals: Jane, Alivia, Sadie, Sydney, Andee, Peter Neff, Abby Urton, Linda Urquhart, Kayli Checketts & Trevor Smith


No other star gave more light before
no lullaby was so sweet.
No other corner so plain and poor
ever sheltered a king.
No other night is remembered more
with verses written and sung.
No other babe ever born on earth
would change everything for us.

Now there is light for the darkness
and healing for the pain.
Wrongs will be righted
and tears wiped away.
There is strength for the battle
and love that never dims.
Hope for the better world
all because of him.
He left his throne for a pauper’s bed
traded his crown for a cross.
He lived to comfort, to heal and bless
out of love for us.
We’ll always have one more song to sing
and stories we tell again
about that night in Bethlehem
and every night since then

Now there is light for the darkness
and healing for the pain.
Wrongs will be righted
and tears wiped away.
There is strength for the battle
and love that never dims.
Hope for the better world
all because of him

Written by Admin

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